Saturday 28 February 2009

The End - Or rather the beginning?

Well, Mark and I had a fab 2008. We got preggers on R and R and he was home with four hours to spare for the birth of our son. To surmise the greatest lessons over the last two years . . .

God is my Rock. There is no substitute. If I start relying on any other being to be my center and my King I am in for a heartache and will not be any good as a wife and a mother.

God is the one in control of everything. He gives and He takes away and I can’t be so arrogant as to think that trouble will not come my way, His only begotten Son had to endure the cross, who did I think I was?

God will use what the world intended for evil for the good of those who love Him. The branch manager was angry with Mark for declining some orders so he sent him to a place he thought would destroy him and his family . . .Iraq. However, God used it to take our faith to places we didn’t imagine. Our relationship with Him is greater every day and we grow closer together all the time, as if I dreamed that was possible.

God does answer prayers . . .sometimes it takes a while for you to see the yes and sometimes the no was better for us in the long run . . .but He always answers!

Finally, children are a gift from God, just like it says in Psalms:
The Holy Bible, New International Version. Pradis CD-ROM:Ps 127:3.

Ps 127:3 Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward d from him.

Thank God that He doesn’t listen to us when we are saying stupid things like, I never want children because they are home wreckers . . . Adults wreck homes not these precious free willed smiling joy-filled presents from the Lord. Even when they say No for the first time and throw their first tantrum.

So, I’m sure my learning from this experience will continue for years to come but these are the biggest highlights. For some more you can read the rest of the blogs in this section. However, for my part I am moving on. I am getting a promotion to full time homemaker as of April 16th! So, the Lord is going to and has already started to use this new “career” to teach me even more things about Him. However, you will have to catch that in my new Blog . . .

Running after God and Kids